On the afternoon of January 18th, 2019, a video with no sound emerged claiming to show White Teenagers wearing MAGA Caps taunting a Native American on the steps of The Lincoln Memorial during the March For Life protest rally. The Liberal MSM swung into action pushing the narrative that these boys were evil and need to be punished in using the harshest punishments available. The Resistance called for the boys to be doxed
and expelled from Covington Catholic School
. The Resistance had found a group of people who was going to be able to stand up to full weight of a Main Stream Media attack. Then something interesting happened...
Over the next 48 hours videos with audio emerged, videos that hadn't been selectively edited started to surface, and the MAGA Army heard the call to action. It turns out the Native American Nathan Phillips who was originally portrayed as a victim, turned out to be a political activist who targeted the boys and tried to bait them into a reacting poorly. Nick Sandmann the teen in the red MAGA Hat who was originally portrayed as the instigator, didn't take any action, he stood his ground.
The Resistance became outraged and continued to target the boys with vicious attacks
who's only crime was being white, supporting Trump, and not backing down in the face of liberal threats. That is the perfect condition for Meme Magic to happen...
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