Sometimes the people visiting our website have questions we've compiled the most popular questions and have tried to answer them below, click on question to jump to the answer.
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- We have some questions and would like to talk to you about them, what's the best way to contact you?
- We aren't interested in hearing any of your questions, we aren't interested in doing an interview, we don't want to appear on your YouTube Channel, we don't want to appear in your documentary film, and we really don't want to be on your Podcast. We already know you're going to promise to disguise our identity and modify our voice, and you will promise to never reveal our true identity. This how they convinced Ricky Vaughn to appear in a documentary film and two years later it was exactly how he was doxed. We aren't interested in repeating that mistake.
- We are trying to sue you, where do our lawyers send the legal paperwork?
- You think you have a legal case against us and want to know where to send the paperwork...
If you think you have a Copyright Infringement, Harassment Case or Hate Speech violation you think gives you legal matter you can press in a Court of Law, you're wrong again, see our Disclaimer Page for more information.
Perhaps you think you can use the threat of a lawsuit to pierce the veil of domain anonymity and gain access to our real address, and use this to dox us and exert pressure on us in the real world or on a family member. I guarantee you we're two steps ahead of you here, and this isn't going to go down the way you think it will. If your lawyers are any good, they will know how to file a subpoena complaint with a domain registrar. If your lawyer is able to convince the domain registrar, the complaint is legitimate, you'll get a drop mailbox address which is only used for adversarial online web activities. Oh and this address won't be a real address it will be a mail forwarding service. Also there is more than one mail forwarding service being used. Like we said this isn't going to help you dox anyone, but feel free to try. - You don't have any advertising and don't accept any donations, who is paying to keep this website running?
- We've been building websites for a very long time, and know how to get the job done quickly and cheaply. This website costs less than $50 a year to keep running, so it's really not big expense to cover. See our Disclaimer for more information.
- Is this really a parody website?
- We think the idea that anyone would build a website asking people to think critically about the things the media tells you are true or not is extremely hilarious. You may not share our appreciation of the complete irony of that statement, but trust us it's really pretty funny. If Jimmy Kimmel gets to call himself a comedian while lecturing Americans about their political views, we can definitely call this a parody website.