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1. Obama lied: he knew about Hillary's secret server and wrote to her using a pseudonym, cover-up happened (intent to destroy evidence)
- "Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news... we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say"
- "How is that not classified?" Huma Abedin to FBI when shown email between Clinton & Obama using his pseudonym. Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."
- I can't state how huge this is, it's a cover up involving the POTUS. There are lots of emails implying this, but this email states it very clearly so anyone can understand. The email proves obstruction of justice and shows how they lied to the FBI and likely perjury of congress. This at the very least proves intent by her chief of staff.
- Obama used executive privilege on their correspondence. We have "Ms. Immunity" Cheryl Mills stating they need to "clean up" the Clinton/Obama e-mails because they lacked
- Additionally, Obama on video publicly denied
knowing about the server. claimed on video
that he learned about it through the news like everyone else. The corruption goes ALL the way to the top! Flat out lying to the American public.
- Paul Combetta was hired to modify the email headers that referred to a VERY VERY VIP individual, i.e; change the name of who it was from. If you read Stonetear/Combetta story
, it's easy to see this is exactly what he was attempting (I am an IT professional). He wanted to change header information on already sent mail to show "" instead of Hillary's private email address. Multiple people informed him of the infeasibility (and illegality) of it, so somewhere in the next 6 days it was decided that simply eradicating them was the only option left. The FBI said they could not find intent of trying to break the law, therefore no recommendation of prosecution. This email proves, in plain language, that they DID mean to break the law.
- This is the real reason why she was never indicted, because she would have taken down Obama with her. Ask yourselves: why would they both be communicating on a secret server to each other? Why not through normal proper channels? What were they hiding? We may soon find out...
2. Hillary Clinton dreams of completely "open trade and open borders"
- "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders"
- This was stated at one of her $225,000 paid secret speeches to Wall Street that she has tried so desperately to hide... This email contains those speeches.
- Borders add safety and sovereignty to a country. Borders helps prevent illegal immigration, which limits crime, drugs, human/sex trafficking across the border and allows more Americans (including African Americans and Latinos) to get jobs. It also costs the working class to pay an exorbitant amount of money. Despite what democrats try to say, borders are not racist. Mexico protects their southern border (with $75 million from Obama
) so why can't we?
- During the 3rd debate, Hillary tried to pivot away from this damning topic by stating she only meant energy. Read the quote for yourself, energy is just one aspect of her open borders policy.
3. Hillary Clinton took money from and supported nations that she KNEW funded ISIS and terrorists
(Archive: )
- "...the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."
- "Clintons should know better than to raise money from folks whose primary concern has been supporting the NIAC, a notorious supporter of the Radical Islamic Mullahs. "The Clinton's have thrown principle out the window in exchange for cold hard cash...putting money ahead of principle."
- Hillary's chief of staff admits in the 2nd link that foreign interests sway HRC to do what they want her to do, also admits that the "Friend of Hillary" list is available and rentable to people who want to influence, but that it's too sensitive to talk in email.
- This leak shows Hillary knows Saudis and Qatar are funding ISIS, which is an enemy of the state. After knowing this, Hillary accepted tens of millions in donations from these terrorist-funding governments (of course they are getting something back in return). She also supported arms deals to them.
- Saudi Arabia and Qatar commit horrible acts under Sharia law, including throwing gay people off of buildings, persecuting Christians, Jews, and atheists, and making it legal to rape and beat women. They are the leading funders of Hillary and her campaign through the Clinton Foundation.
4. Hillary has public positions on policy and her private ones
- "But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position."
- So she literally just said she lies to the public. This leak is a big one because anything she tells us that she will do can and should be considered a lie.
- This was one of her private paid speeches to Wall Street. Behind closed doors she is telling her Wall Street donors one thing, and the American people another thing. Think about this for a moment...
5. Paying people to incite violence and unrest at Trump rallies
- "Engage immigrant rights organizations. DREAMers have been bird dogging Republican presidential candidates on DACA/DAPA, but they've learned to respond. There's an opportunity to bird dog and record questions about Trump's comments and connect it to the policy."
- "It doesn't matter what the friggin' legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker" (from video below)
- "I mean honestly, it is not hard to get some of these ass holes to pop off, it's a matter of showing up, to want to get into the rally, in a Planned Parenthood t-shirt. Or, Trump is a Nazi, you know? You can message to draw them out, and draw them to punch you."
- This video is the proof
, please watch it!
- "Bird-dogging" is a term you probably have never heard before, but we have video evidence of high level Clinton staffers openly talking about it, and boasting about inciting violence at Trump rallies, paying for every "protest", manipulating Americans through the media to think that Trump is dangerous, and tricking people into thinking Trump supporters are bad.
- They laugh about paying off mentally ill and homeless people for years to incite violence against conservatives. Truly despicable. And they pretended to be Bernie supporters while they were "protesting".
- They admit to starting the Chicago riot where police were seriously hurt, and admit to shutting down the freeway in Arizona, partnering with Black Lives Matter. We even have proof that Hillary paid people
to shut down the Chicago rally.
- Inciting a riot is illegal under 18 US Code § 2102
- They also think 50% of people in Iowa and Wisconsin are racists.
- Robby Mook, Clinton Campaign Manager, mentions the Priorities SuperPAC in a leak
, which is implicated in the video.
- There is also proof that the Hillary campaign paid violent protesters who appeared in that video, and Bob Creamer (who was fired) saying the campaign knew about everything.
6. Hillary's campaign wants "unaware" and "compliant" citizens
- "And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging."
- The Clinton campaign is literally conspiring to keep the population dumb and unaware (like sheep), and they admitted it! Very scary '1984' level thinking. If Hillary is the right choice for president and the truth is on her side, wouldn't they encourage her supporters to research, like Trump tells his supporters?
- Watch this video about it
7. Top Hillary aides mock Catholics for their faith
- [to be a Catholic is] "an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations"
- " one knows what the hell they're talking about."
- "end of a middle ages dictatorship"
- Top Clinton aides, John Halpin and Jennifer Palmieri mock Catholics for their faith. They complain about the large number of Catholics in prominent positions.
- This was one of the few emails to actually make it to the mainstream media (FOX) and Palmieri when confronted about this revelation didn't apologize.
- Brian Burch, president released a statement proclaiming, "Hillary Clinton has already called half of her opponents' supporters 'a basket of deplorables' and 'irredeemable,' and now it comes out that her campaign spokeswoman dismissively question[ed] the sincerity of Catholic Americans' faith. Had Palmieri spoken this way about other groups, she [would be] dismissed. Palmieri must resign immediately or be fired."
- This was why Trump made the Catholic comment at the Al Smith dinner. Hillary has never addressed this nor offered an apology.
8. Hillary deleted her incriminating emails. State covered it up. Asked about using White House executive privilege to hide from Congress.
- "They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee."
- "That of course includes the emails Sid turned over that HRC didn't, which will make clear to them that she didn't have them in the first place, deleted them, or didn't turn them over. It also includes emails that HRC had that Sid didn't."
- "Think we should hold emails to and from potus? That's the heart of his exec privilege. We could get them to ask for that. They may not care, but I seems like they will."
- The State Department was:
- Coordinating with the Clinton political campaign.
- Colluding with the press to spin it positively.
- Doing so BEFORE they released it to AN EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT. The Clinton campaign was always a step ahead of the committee investigating them. Shameful.
- Nick states "Just spoke to State" He goes on to reveal that State colluded with him about which emails are being revealed to committee and that the State plans to plant a story with AP.
- Shows intent to withhold emails from the subpoena.
9. Bribery: King of Morocco gives Clinton Foundation $12 million to have meeting with Hillary, 6 months later Morocco gets weapons
- US approves $157m TOW Missile system sale to Morocco
- "condition upon which the Moroccans agreed to host the meeting was her participation. If hrc was not part if it, meeting was a non-starter. CGI also wasn't pushing for a meeting in Morocco and it wasn't their first choice. This was HRC's idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting."
- "She created this mess and she knows it... HRC said she's still considering."
- This is AFTER her candidacy announcement!
- Super important e-mail in that it demonstrates Hillary's poor judgement (her idea) in the face of influence money and foreshadows how a Clinton Administration would be indebted to bad actors and criminal regimes.
- The "same issues we discussed" mentioned by Robbie Mook in this email is a veiled reference to Morocco's many human rights abuses. Her campaign staff is rightly concerned about the optics of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative accepting huge sums of money from a regime that so frequently violates international law and acts in a way that you'd expect the Clinton Foundation to publicly rebuke. I guess $12 million is just too much money to allow morals, ethics, and the best interests and values of American citizens to intervene.
- The Intercept explores
how Morocco is exploiting Hillary's weakness for huge donations, and her desire to be President, to support their own geopolitical interests.
10. Latinos are "needy". Latino outreach is "taco bowl engagement"
- "Needy Latinos and 1 easy call."
- "Attached is a script for a new video we'd like to use to mop up some more taco bowl engagement, and demonstrate the Trump actually isn't trying."
- According to them, whites are "deplorables", blacks are "super predators" who "need to be brought to heel"
, and Latinos are "needy" and the "taco bowl engagement". Hillary is such a uniter!
11. Clinton campaign in direct communication with DOJ regarding email case
- "DOJ folks inform me..."
- This report that Clinton's campaign was in direct communication with the Obama Department of Justice on the email investigation shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server.
12. Acknowledging radical Islam is a real threat and a "serious problem for our future"
- "But even if there weren't violence, the fact that too many who are for subjugation of women, against gays, against Jews and Christians, etc â is a serious problem for our future. Unfortunately, if you sounded progressive in the Middle East/Pakistan, you'd be putting yourself at security risk."
- "I wouldn't have picked the fight over "radical islam" to begin with. I'm always happy to just concede that it's a real thing and define it as a marginalized strain, which she did do today. I told Reid this, and I suggest it to you as well: you just don't want to be on the slippery slope of sounding like an imam who is defining what true islam is... By the way, every time Reid has spoken out in defense of Muslims, it has our most popular messaging of anything we do."
- Her donors, Saudi Arabia, wouldn't want her telling the truth about radical Islam or Sharia law (a.k.a. murdering gay people, oppressing women, genocide against Christians, etc.) So she doesn't even say the word publicly.
- She has her public position and then her private one here. Lip service to pander.
13. Admitting terrorists will infiltrate the Syrian refugee program
- "On Syrian refugees, is it enough to call just for vigilant screening? Shouldn't we call for a thorough review of how we screen to make sure the procedures are actually up to snuff? I think both the CIA/FBI heads have testified and acknowledged that our screening may not deter terrorists. And I don't think the american people feel like the screening process is adequate."
- "Hillary Clinton Said Jordan Was Threatened Because 'They Can't Possibly Vet All Those Refugees So They Don't Know If, You Know, Jihadists Are Coming In Along With Legitimate Refugees'."
- "We can throw some more shade at the Arabs..."
- But we were told that the current screening of immigrants is adequate. That they are ALL peace loving.
- Trump says something out in the open (transparent) and gets bashed for it. Democrats think the same but do it behind closed doors.
14. Bill Clinton receives $1 million "birthday gift" from ISIS-funding Qatar while Hillary was SoS, Qatar receives arms flow increases of 1,482%
- "Would like to see WJC "for five minutes" in NYC, to present $1 million check that Qatar promised for WJC's birthday in 2011."
- Just another examples of breaking the law. Also remember from earlier: Hillary KNEW that Qatar funds ISIS. Why is the country funding ISIS giving money to Bill and paying for Hillary's campaign. What are they getting in return?
- In accordance with the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution
, you may not accept anything of value from a foreign government, unless specifically authorized by Congress. This rule applies whether you are on or off duty. Any unit of a foreign government, whether it is national, state, local, or municipal level, is covered. It also applies to gifts from international or multinational organizations comprised of government representatives. It also may apply to gifts of honoraria, travel, or per diem from foreign universities, which are often considered as part of the foreign government. Spouses and dependent children of Federal employees are also banned from accepting gifts from foreign governments.
15. Hillary campaign prays for shooters in news stories to be white
- "Damn... Better if a guy named Sayeed Farouk was reporting that a guy named Christopher Hayes was the shooter."
- This was the San Bernardino terrorist. I'm just blank after reading that. No words.
16. Hillary is still privately against gay marriage
- "I think everyone agrees we shouldn't restate her argument. Question is whether she's going to agree to explicitly disavow it. And I doubt it."
- "I'm not saying double down or ever say it again. I'm just saying that she's not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance."
- Here they are discussing old footage of her opposing gay marriage and them trying to figure out how they are going to have Hillary say she's for gay marriage.
- It's commonly known that she was publicly against gay marriage
until 2013 when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of it, then she "evolved".
- This also reiterates the #4 leak that she has public and private positions.
17. Rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders (DNC favored Hillary)
- "Wondering if there's a good Bernie narrative for a story, which is that Bernie never ever had his act together, that his campaign was a mess. Specifically, DWS [DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz] had to call Bernie directly in order to get the campaign to do things because they'd either ignored or forgotten to something critical."
- "[Bernie is] someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do."
- "He isn't going to be president."
- "[F]or KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist."
- "If she outperforms this polling, the Bernie camp will go nuts and allege misconduct. They'll probably complain regardless, actually."
- These emails were written by several leaders in the DNC. They are not supposed to take sides yet they clearly did months before any votes were cast. After the DNC leaks, their leader Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was fired, but immediately joined the Hillary Clinton campaign... think about that for a second. Remember... Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was placed at the top of the DNC once someone else stepped down, none other than Tim Kaine. In a later leak, we learn that Tim Kaine was promised VP a year in advance, so the pieces were put in place to get Hillary nominated.
- They even tried to attack his belief system. Hillary's campaign has been helped and manufactured since the very beginning.
- Bernie Sanders activist and process server Shawn Lucas served the DNC Services Corp
. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC's headquarters in a fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters. He was found dead
a few weeks later on his bathroom floor. Probably just a coincidence... like Seth Rich and John Ashe.
18. Rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders (Hillary's team)
- "Bernie and his people have been bitching about super delegates and the huge percentage that have come out for Hillary... We want [Bernie supporters] to go home happy and enthusiastic in working their asses off for Hillary. Why not throw Bernie a bone . . . his people will think they've "won" something from the Party Establishment. And it functionally doesn't make any difference anyway. They win. We don't lose. Everyone is happy."
- "I am doing the opposite, repeatedly writing friendly and positive pieces about Bernie as an HRC supporter, and when the time is right I will have money in the bank with him and his people as a liberal to urge them to come out in force to vote for HRC."
- "Frankly I thought it was dumb for McCaskill and Gutierrez to be attacking Bernie. We are going to need his voters to turn out in November for HRC, he won't be nominated."
- "Through internal discussions, we concluded that it was in our interest to: 1) limit the number of debates (and the number in each state); 2) start the debates as late as possible; 3) keep debates out of the busy window between February 1 and February 27, 2016 (Iowa to South Carolina); 4) create a schedule that would allow the later debates to be cancelled if the race is for practical purposes over."
- The person who wrote the superdelegate rules advises Clinton Campaign how to create an illusion that Bernie people won something so they would work their asses off for Hillary. More shocking is the fact that they admit that the superdelegates are undemocratic. This guy flat out admitted that he rigged the system, and is proud of it.
- There was also a man who was acting as a mole for Bernie and writing positive/negative things about him then using that reputation to sway Bernie supporters to Hillary.
- Lastly, we see how to rig the debate schedule to be more favorable to her. One on one debates would have been better for Bernie Sanders, so they wanted to avoid that at all costs. They also wanted to limit the number of debates, and start them late to minimize the impact of the debates.
- Hillary is also on audio calling Bernie supporters "basement dwellers
19. State Department tried to bribe FBI to un-classify Clinton emails (FBI docs)
- "[Redacted] indicated he had been contacted by [Kennedy], Undersecretary of State, who had asked his assistance in altering the e-mail's classification in exchange for a 'quid pro quo,'"
- "[REDACTED] believes STATE has an agenda which involves minimizing the classified nature of the CLINTON e-mails in order to protect STATE interests and those of CLINTON,"
- A top State Department official offered a "quid pro quo" to an FBI investigator to declassify several emails from Hillary Clinton's private server in exchange for allowing the bureau to operate in countries where it was banned.
- Shows a cavalier attitude towards protecting our nation's secrets. These are the people Hillary will hire to help run the country.
20. Hillary was hateful, neglectful, above the law, "contemptuous" to her security detail, and "blatantly disregarded" security, (FBI docs)
(p. 43-45)
- "CLINTON frequently and "blatantly" disregarded [security and diplomatic protocols]."
- "This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol... CLINTON's protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were "abundant.""
- "...ABEDIN possessed "much more power" over CLINTON's staff and schedule than other former chiefs of staff... was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols on behalf of CLINTON."
- "...Clinton disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press."
- "...traveling to Palestine, CLINTON ordered the limousine driver... to open the window while in "occupied territory", referring to a dangerous area of the West Bank. [He] initially declined to respond to CLINTON's request; however, repeated demands by CLINTON forced him to open his window despite the danger to himself and the occupants."
- "CLINTON's treatment of DS agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere... it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work with her."
- Look at the first link (highlights all the parts). Seriously, there are way too many to include in the quotes... just a sheer and UTTER lack of care for protocol, security, and the well being of others. This is the person who people want to be in charge of national security?
- Another scary note in this list is the mention of Huma Abedin, Hillary's long time assistant, possessing "much more power" and overriding security and protocol on Hillary's behalf. Abedin has been strongly rumored to be Hillary's chief of staff should she be elected. She also has strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood
21. Clinton Foundation schemed with Big Pharma to keep the price of AIDS drugs high in America
- "Since President Clinton's comments were made, we have been contacted by a number of advocacy groups who are now intending to wage a public campaign to bring in generics and lower drug prices. We do not feel we can participate in this without jeopardizing our work around the world. We cannot oppose what they might do, but we also cannot be publicly supporting it either."
- "we think that publicly pressuring the US and European AIDS drug companies to lower prices and bringing pressure to allow generic AIDS drugs into the United States will have limited if any success and could seriously jeopardize our negotiations to continually lower prices in poor countries... We have always told the drug companies that we would not pressure them"
- "We have always told the drug companies that we would not pressure them and create a slippery slope where prices they negotiate with us for poor countries would inevitably lead to similar prices in rich countries."
- "we suggest that we approach the innovator companies that can currently sell products in the US with the idea of making donations to help clear the ADAP lists."
- "the companies will likely favor a donation approach rather than one that erodes prices across the board. I would guess that they would also likely favor a solution that involved their drugs rather than an approach that allowed generic drugs from India to flood the US market at low prices or one that set a precedent of waiving patent laws on drugs."
- When the Clintons are questioned about the obvious sketchiness of their foundation, they routinely cite AIDS work. But the AIDS work is carried out by CHAI ("Clinton Health Access Initiative"), a separate organization.
- CHAI freely admits there is an implicit agreement with the drug companies not to pressure them to lower domestic prices. Bill Clinton made comments that added pressure. CHAI receives a great amount of positive publicity for their AIDS work abroad, and the comments jeopardize that program. Here, CHAI admits it is in their interests for US AIDS drug prices to remain high, so that they can continue getting credit for keeping them low abroad.
- But CHAI is not content with simply fleecing American AIDS sufferers. Since CHAI doesn't want pressure on Pharma companies to linger, they propose to torpedo other AIDS advocacy groups by creating a smaller, watered-down domestic program with the Pharma companies before those other advocacy groups begin their assault in January.
- The Clintons are only out for themselves. In comments on World AIDS day in the subsequent years of 2012
and 2013
, Bill says nothing whatsoever about domestic drug prices. If AIDS advocacy groups cannot trust the Clintons not to stab them in the back, how can the American people?
- Also remember, the (ARCHIVE) Clinton foundation only donates 5.6% of their earnings to charity
, despite Hillary lying and saying 90% at the last debate, but she is counting on you to not do research, and her MSM to not report it.
22. CNN leaked primary debate question to Hillary through head of DNC
- "From time to time I get the questions in advance... Here's one that worries me about HRC [death penalty]."
- The question was asked almost verbatim by CNN the next night.
- They helped Hillary cheat in a debate. Good chance it happened in other debates including presidential debates.
- Here is video evidence
showing it.
- When confronted by Megyn Kelly
, DNC lead Donna Brazile (the one responsible) pivots, dodges, and does everything she can to avoid answering the question. It really is quite embarrassing and cringe-worthy.
23. Democrats created fake Trump "grope under the meeting table" Craigslist employment ad in May 2016
- "Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table."
- "As long as all the offensive shit is verbatim I'm fine with it."
- Childish behavior from the people Hillary wants to help her run the country. Also references groping, which they are trying so hard (with the media's help) to push forward.
- The reason this is damning is because it shows they were planning this way back in May, these "accusations" are not spontaneous.
24. Hillary's camp excited about a black teen's murder (to help her agenda)
- "This is great."
- "Davis was killed by a white man."
- Disgusting. I wish all Americans would see this, the democratic strategists drooling over the opportunity to drive a wedge of racial hatred between the races in America to maximize their political advantage.
25. Rigging media polls through oversampling
- "I also want to get your Atlas folks to recommend oversamples for our polling before we start in February."
- "so we can maximize what we get out of our media polling."
- [For Arizona] "Research, microtargeting & polling projects- Over-sample Hispanics... - Over-sample the Native American population"
- [For Florida] "On Independents: Tampa and Orlando are better persuasion targets than north or south Florida (check your polls before concluding this). If there are budget questions or oversamples, make sure that Tampa and Orlando are included first.
- [For National] "General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions - Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed - Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed"
- "The plan includes a possible focus on women, might be something we want to do is over sample if we are worried about a certain group later in the summer."
- Democrats have been doing this for years, and this is why you see the skewed polls show Clinton +12 when other more accurate ones show Trump +2. The high Clinton ones oversample democrats by a HUGE margin to get desired results (sometimes 20-40% more), many are created by organizations that donate to Hillary, and some are even conducted by her own SuperPACs
- They do this to make Trump voters feel depressed and not come out to vote if they think he will lose.
- Just look at this example in Arizona
: Clinton +5, but Democrats were oversampled by 34%! Good lord.
26. Hillary sends U.S. intelligence and war plans to Podesta's hacked email
- "Note: Sources include Western intelligence, US intelligence and sources in the region."
- DEFINITIVE PROOF that Hillary Clinton knowingly violated Title 18 U.S. Code § 798 'Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information.', SHARED war plans directly from US and western Intelligence sources, LINKED TO BENGHAZI.
- "It's unquestionably an OPSEC violation," Dr. John Schindler, a former NSA analyst and national security expert, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
- Anyone could easily hack this intelligence information (especially as Podesta's password was "password"). That is why government personnel, especially the top brass, need to go through proper, secure channels, a.k.a. Government 101.
27. Hillary took money from foreigners for campaign (illegal)
- "Hi all - we do need to make a decision on this ASAP as our friends who happen to be registered with FARA are already donating and raising."
- "I'm ok just taking the money and dealing with any attacks. Are you guys ok with that?...Take the money!!"
- "If we do it case by case, then it will be subjective. We would look at who the donor is and what foreign entity they are registered for. In judging whether to take the money, we would consider the relationship between that country and the United States, its relationship to the State Department during Hillary's time as Secretary, and its relationship, if any, to the Foundation."
- They basically say it will be handled on a case by case basis based partly on their relations with Hillary when she was secretary of state and their interaction with the Foundation.
- My God. They were all trying their best to actually follow proper procedures, and Mook/Palmieri just sell "hell with it take the money". Watching the rule of law disintegrate in front of our eyes. They know it doesn't matter anymore.
- In the 2nd link, Robbie Mook and Huma Abedin reveal Hillary Clinton was soliciting and receiving donations from actors registered under FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act) as part of her campaign funding.
28. Hillary says climate change activists should "get a life"
(in attachments)
- "No. I won't promise that. Get a life, you know."
- Last year, environmentalists probed Hillary Clinton on renouncing fossil fuels, and this is how she responded to them. Yet another example of private vs. public positions on policy.
29. Hillary is pro-fracking, calls it "a gift", despite what she publicly says
- "I want to defend fracking."
- "I mean, the energy revolution in the United States is just a gift, and we're able to exploit it and use it and it's going to make us independent,"
- "I would watch our tone and not sound too pro-fracking,"
- Last year, environmentalists probed Hillary Clinton on renouncing fossil fuels, and this is how she responded to them. Yet another example of private vs. public positions on policy.
30. Referring to a "Shadow Government" that protects Hillary (FBI docs)
- (ARCHIVE) FBI Vault Hillary R Clinton Part 04 of 04
(p. 56)
- "H offers career-enhancing, Seventh Floor positions in which you can have a direct, substantive impact in achieving our foreign policy goals"
- "there was a powerful group of very high ranking state officials that some referred to as 'The 7th Floor Group' or 'The Shadow Government.'"
- Obama slams 'crazy conspiracy theories' while FBI's own docs literally say a "shadow government" protects Hillary.
- Obama and Hillary say it is a conspiracy theory to believe in a rigged system... after saying the system is rigged
- They say it is a conspiracy theory to believe in voter and election fraud, yet we have video proof
of high level democrats talking about how they commit voter fraud as well as voting machines changing votes from Trump to Hillary
(leading to counties admitting to the "errors" and using safer paper ballots
), and electronic voting machines owned by companies and elites paying Hillary Clinton
money with past ties to election fraud
past ties to election fraud.
31. List of reporters that Hillary wined and dined, including biggest journalists and pundits of CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, NY Times, and a lot more. Off the record.
(another dinner with 25)
- "20 reporters who will closely cover the campaign (aka the bus)"
- "Off the record" dinner with 25 press attendees."
- "Hi John - I just wanted to thank you again for your hospitality last night. You were so kind to open your home to us, and the food was as fantastic as promised (everyone at the White House raves about your dinners). I really appreciated the opportunity to connect with a number of folks from Team Clinton. The evening was a great way to kick off this crazy adventure. Thank you, and I hope we'll cross paths again soon. Best, Colleen Colleen McCain Nelson The Wall Street Journal"
- No wonder the MSM has been shilling so hard for Hillary.
- First link is the list of media personalities who went to the "off the record" private party in the personal home of John Podesta. Includes many corrupt, in the tank-for-Hillary journalists like John Heillman, Mark Halperin, Maggie Haberman (colluding in other emails with the Hillary campaign) and many others (Diane Sawyer, George Stephanopoulos, Mika Brzezinski, and so many more) . Largest amount of invitees who said yes to the private party are from the NYT, Bloomberg, MSNBC, CNN . Seems to nicely reflect the level of corruption and pro-Hillary bias. This is April 2015 so they were influencing and corrupting journalists for a long time and their investment clearly paid off.
32. Democrats using American lobbyists to money launder foreign donations illegally
- "Take the money!! We're consistently flagging more FARA registrants daily. In terms of # - we're at 27 out of 370 prospective bundlers - but to Jesse's question - that does not represent the costs of how much these folks would likely raise. If we were looking at these folks below on a case by case basis, I'd want to specifically raise: Tony Podesta (Iraq, Azerbaijan, Egypt), Ben Barnes (Libya), John Merrigan (UAE), Wyeth Weidman (Libya), and Mike Driver (UAE connections)...Wyeth Wiedeman Ben Barnes Group National Board for the Following Up and Recovering of the Libyan Looted and Disguised Funds of the Transitional Government of Libya, through Washington African Consulting Group, Inc (12/3/14 - Current)."
- It's too bad the FBI won't be able to find any intent in these emails... /sarcasm
- (ARCHIVE) This picture
describes it.
33. The New York Times is colluding with Hillary, allowed quote edits
- "Margaret, far be it from me what the public editor of the NY Times should focus on, but..."
- "These exchanges were pretty interesting ... would love the option to use... I wanted the option to use all â and you could veto what you didn't want."
- The Clinton campaign vetoed essentially the entire interview, but even in the portions they did allow for publication, they had Mark Leibovich edit out a mention of Sarah Palin, at Hillary's personal request.
- There are multiple times the NYT has been colluding with Hillary in these leaks, including the fake smears.
- This
was the article.
34. Racist remarks about Blacks and Muslims
- "...(Muslims, blacks** and Roma***, for instance) fare badly almost irrespective of circumstances."
- "...the professional never-do-wells."
- They said most blacks and Muslims will fail no matter the situation. Now imagine if Trump said this.
- Remember, Hillary is on video
calling black youth "super predators" having "no conscious, no empathy" and that they "need to be brought to heel". I'm sure this girl
did not find her comments amusing.
- This is the same woman who's mentor was a KKK recruiter
, who was endorsed by KKK Grand Dragon
William Quigg, who belonged to an &aposOnly-Whites&apos golf club
at the same time Trump was leading the fight
to include blacks and Jews into his golfing clubs, and who shamelessly pandered to black people with her hot sauce
comment and fake accent
35. Hillary's poor health (collapsing, memory loss, drug research)
- "Have you talked with her at all about taxes and health? I'm know both are hyper sensitive but I wonder if both are better dealt with very early so we control them"
- "Hard to think of anything more counter productive than demanding Bernie's medical records."
- "Stay the course, don't ride the roller coaster and keep the candidate well rested."
- "I would make it shorter only because it's a bank of Mics and no podium,"
- "She won't be able to give it in the round like [Bill Clinton] does walking around with microphone... Are we able to set it up so shes speaking at a podium"
- Her camp knows that her health is a serious problem. Also, they are too afraid to ask for Bernie's medical records, knowing Hillary's medical records are much worse.
- On September 11, 2016, Hillary Clinton collapsed
and was unresponsive, and had to be dragged into a van, while the media tried to hide it.
in the State Dept. to help get information on Provigil, a controlled drug that is prescribed for patients suffering from Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and Multiple Sclerosis. It's also used to help such patients stay awake and stop extended bouts of sleep.
- Hillary Clinton also reached out to the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to ask for advice on her "cracked head
" and head injuries. This head injury led to a major blood clot near her brain and put her out of work for several months. This injury has prevented her from remembering several things
, including (she claims) several meetings as Secretary of State, among other things.
- We also see several references
to needing a podium to lean on for a 2 minute speech, making speeches shorter or her not being able to walk around because of her health.
- She also has had extreme coughing fits
where she is unable to speak for minutes at a time during rallies.
36. Tipped off by the State Department regarding Benghazi emails
- "Someone here just got a tip that the State Department may be planning to release her Benghazi emails tomorrow or Monday."
- What a freaking mess. This corruption is totally unreal, yet it is really happening.
37. Hillary's staff admitting she is "tainted" and "really vulnerable" on corruption and bribery
- "- Increase government's public reporting so voters know what goverment is doing ...66.. - Strengthen bribery laws to ensure that politicians don' change legislation for political donations. 62%... The second idea is a favorite of mine, as you know, but REALLY dicey territory for HRC, right?"
- "This is a jump ball. She may be so tainted she's really vulnerable = if so, maybe a message of I've seen how this sausage is made,"
- Not shocking to everyone else, but now we know her own staff realizes this too! She is easily bribed with foreign money from oppressive regimes. They give her cold hard cash, she gives them government favors.
38. Hillary camp using "propaganda"
- "Sorry, Gloria [Allred] has taken it on herself to edit our propaganda."
- Who would call their own message propaganda? Only people who personally don't believe anything that they are telling the public. The DNC thinks the public is a bunch of sheep. Unaware and compliant.
- And that's what Gloria's doing now - propaganda! That's what WikiLeaks is exposing - propaganda!
39. Hillary Clinton bragged about being invited to Putin's 'Inner Sanctum'
- "I said, 'You know, Mr. Prime Minister, we actually have some things in common'."
- "We talked about a lot of issues that were not the hot-button issues between us, you know, his view on missile defense, which we think is misplaced because, you know, we don't believe that there will be a threat from Russia,"
- Remember, Hillary also approved a deal granting Russia control of 20 percent of America's uranium
assets (as talked about in a later leak).
- Yet Hillary is the one saying Trump is best friend's with Putin... or that maybe they will start war with each other? I can't remember which version the MSM and Hillary are trying to force down our throats this week...
40. John Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd
- "Though CAP is still having issues with my email and computer, yours is good to go. jpodesta p@ssw0rd"
- Why is this important? The media is lying to us. They are saying the Russians are Wikileaks and that they are hacking us. Their passwords are literally password. Some security. They only blame Russia so it can take our focus away from what is actually in the emails, which they do not deny it's validity. As mentioned in the info section, Wikileaks has a 10 year, 100% accuracy rating.
- Not only that... but Podesta LOST his cellphone
! Extremely dangerous since he illegally had access to top secret documents.
- Julian Assange has already strongly suggested that the source of the leaks are insiders, including ex-DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was killed right around the time of the DNC leaks
- John Podesta's password was p@ssw0rd and the white house is trying to claim only a foreign state organization could have been savvy enough to hack these servers.
41. Hillary Clinton had to be told when to smile during speeches
- "[Smile] My goodness, I was having a lighthearted moment when I said that."
- Her campaign seems more scripted than the WWE. This is why people don't like her (not accounting for the corruption, scandals, extremely careless behavior, etc.) She just doesn't seem genuine/authentic at all. When you are told to smile, read "sigh" off the teleprompter
, never have an unscripted moment, have every word of every line you say get polled and tested by multiple focus groups several times before you even say it⦠people just don't feel like they know what you truly stand for. Trump can say brash/outlandish things at times, but he's genuine, what you see is what you get, hate it or love it⦠It's a breath of fresh air from the typical politician that Hillary so embodies.
42. Billionaire George Soros has influence over Hillary
- "I would only do this for political reasons (ie to make Soros happy)"
- "Dear Hillary, A serious situation has arisen in Albania"
- "two things need to be done urgently: 1. Bring the full weight of the international community to bear on Prime Minister Berisha and opposition leader Edi Rama to forestall further public demonstrations and to tone down public pronouncements. 2. Appoint a senior European official as a mediator."
- George Soros is a Hungarian billionaire who is Hillary's largest personal donor, and the main funder of BlackLivesMatter
- Wikileaks also revealed that Soros told Hillary Clinton (as Sec of State) to intervene in Albanian domestic politics and she did it like he said (in the 2nd quote listed).
- The VP of his organization is also in charge of Smartmatic (the electronic voting machines in 16 states where there are NO paper trails). Smartmatic has been exposed by Wikileaks
to be inundated with fraudulent claims, including in Venezuela's elections.
- It also appears as if Loretta Lynch had dinner with George Soros in the email
, as she is referenced by name.
- Here is an interesting article
about his history and linking Soros to the Syrian refugee crisis.
43. Clinton campaign refuses to report sexual harassment (then forwards complaint to harasser)
- "I was recently contacted by a source who claims to have worked on the 2008 Hillary Clinton campaign and is alleging that Marlon Marshall made unwelcome sexual advances and propositions towards women on the campaign repeatedly. The allegation is that he would "corner women, make them uncomfortable and make suggestions about having sex."
- "The source also claims that Robby Mook was made aware of the issue, but declined to act on it or intervene because he is personal friends with Marshall."
- First they lie and smear Trump for sexual assault, then they go and cover up their own. Projection much?
- Marlon Marshall is the director of state campaigns and political engagement for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. And wow, they still have him on.
- Remember, Hillary Clinton defended the child molester of a 12 year old Kathy Shelton, who was raped so violently, she was in a coma for 5 days and can never have children. Hillary claimed young girls often fantasize about older men, and in an interview years later, she LAUGHED about the case
and how she knew he was guilty and how evidence was misplaced.
- Sites implicated in these leaks like Politico and major Hillary donors like Politifact (through Tampa Bay Times) are trying to claim this is false, trying to trick readers into thinking Trump lied when bringing up this example. They claim he is lying, but not denying that Hillary laughed about the case. Despicable propagandists.
." Well, unless they are politically inconvenient to the Clinton campaign (as we know with the women Bill assaulted
44. Admitting Hillary did not use private server for security reasons (shows intent)
- "Reluctant to go there. Makes it seem like she consciously went to the home server for security reasons which would fall apart under scrutiny."
- In other words, Hillary "setting up the server for security reasons" falls apart under scrutiny. So why did you have a private server, Hillary? She didn't choose a home server necessarily for security reasons. She did it because she was running around soliciting funds and wanted to keep her Foundation scheme private.
- You would think that this would have been something that the FBI would have asked... Unfortunately, FBI Director James Comey has ties to the Clinton Foundation
and forgot to ask this.
45. Hillary Clinton "doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment"
- "I mean it makes my life more difficult after telling every reporter I know she's actually progressive but that is really the smallest of issues. It worries me more that she doesn't seem to know what planet we are all living in at the moment."
- Not surprising. After all, her closest confidant Huma Abedin said that "often confused
46. Big media collusion email, working with reporters
- "Peter Nicholas (WSJ) is doing a story for Friday on caucus organizing efforts and the Sanders campaign's theory that caucuses will be good for them in the same way that they were for Obama. We've pushed back with our theory of the case, including our strong organizing effort in Iowa and beyond. Per CTR, Amy Chozick is working on story for this weekend about how the GOP will attack Hillary, will likely include focus group data suggesting that trustworthiness and being out-of-touch will be top targets..."
- The quote only covers part of it, but they knew every story that was going to be printed before it was printed.
47. Using female senator to conjure fake sexist claims against Bernie
- "...recognizing that conversation would likely get out and could become a part of the narrative against him - that the women senators went to him to ask him to tone it down and to keep the pledge he made to them at the start of the race..."
- It's a clear pattern: every opponent of Hillary has ties to Russia, is sexist/sexual offender and anti-semite.
48. Worried that Bernie supporters and younger women "hate her so much (they) might even vote for a Republican"
- "I just hate her so much I might even vote for a Republican but I will never vote for her."
- "The idea of the campaign for the candidate who could become the first woman president initiating a civil war between older women and younger women over her candidacy is political malpractice that leaves me speechless."
- "My phone is ringing off the hook with establishment Democrats who she thinks support her, who are appalled and alarmed by the kind of campaign she is running....more than one of them has said I could quote them by name, that's how appalled and alarmed they are."
- And this is happening all over the country, despite the media's best effort to hide this fact.
49. Hillary campaign caught partaking in insider trading (illegal)
- "Totally confidential but in case you haven't heard they are announcing 5 year drilling plan tomorrow late morning."
- A few days later, stock goes up 30%.
- This information was received from a chairman of that company, then was forwarded to 2 people from the campaign. Disgusting. Also, there's the old leak of his Podesta's brother asking him if Hillary was going to shit on the Pharma sector that week, followed by a massive sale of millions of shares.
- Guess who went to jail for insider trading. Martha Stewart. Guess whose claim to fame is putting fucking Martha Stewart in jail. James Comey. Just sayin'.
50. Clinton Foundation did not pay for the services they received
- (ARCHIVE) Chelsea Clinton Emailing John Podesta About Haiti Project
- "My friend Eric was the partner who led the work McKinsey did pro bono + expenses for the CF/ CBHF and the IHRC in Haiti for more than a year and their expenses have not yet been paid."
- "I think he's a bit at wits end and also doesn't want to run it up the flag pole at McKinsey to attract any undesired attention."
- Hillary likes to falsely bring up one time Trump did not pay a contractor
, yet her emails prove she didn't pay at least one contractor.
- This is related to the "looting of Haiti
" case where the "Friends of Bill" list was created in the State Department. Chelsea complains that her friend Eric wants to get paid but doesn't dare to tell his bosses because the info might leak out and it would be embarrassing if the press found out about this.
51. Admitting Hillary failed foreign policy
- "We spent $500 million training Syrian rebels and got nothing and we defended Iraq for a decade and trained their army to see them all defect."
- Yet Obama signing off
on another policy to do the exact same thing, again. Hillary has said she will be an Obama third term.
52. Admitting Obamacare isn't working
- "It is becoming painfully clear that many of these plans underpriced their original premium as they assumed a broader, healthier risk pool."
- "The ACA enrollment by the end of 2016 is projected by HHS to be less than half (10 million) of the 20 million Americans that CBO has projected to be in the exchange by that time. This is likely due to the lack of affordability for many Americans over 250 percent of poverty (who are getting little to no tax credit subsidy) and/or because they perceive the high deductible benefit to be not worth it (and are either unaware of mandate penalty or prefer it to entire premium payment)."
- This is something most people know, but just another example of her campaign putting out one thing to pander to votes, but secretly believing another thing.
- It's also now been announced that (ARCHIVE) Obamacare will go up for everyone by an average of 25%
next year and in many cases, upwards of 80%! Hillary promises to keep the disastrous Obamacare and even referred to it as Hillarycare
53. NBC colluding with the Clinton campaign
- "Craig has gotten in touch with NY mag this am to do a story about how grossly the media has handled the story on book/foundation and make this experience with NBC part of that story."
- Jennifer Palmieri is complaining that in an interview with Bill Clinton about the Foundation, NBC asked CRITICAL questions since they had PREVIOUSLY agreed to paint the foundation in a good light, even though they are still promising to do so. So she makes a contingency plan for good press.
54. Coordinating with SuperPACs, which is illegal
- "Invitation: Super Pacs Check-In @ Mon Mar 7, 2016 3pm - 3:30pm"
- "Robby added at 3-4 pm meeting with/about Priorities at Perkins Coie*. Attendees are Marc, Charlie, Dennis (by phone), Kim Kauffman..."
- Remember when coordinating with SuperPACs was illegal? It's still illegal unless you're a Democrat, then laws don't apply to you.
- This happens several times throughout the leaks. In the first link, Robby Mook meets with Kim Kaufmann. He is part of the campaign and she is the head of Priorities USA a Hillary Clinton SuperPAC.
- We also have video evidence
of top level democrats openly talking about illegal SuperPAC collusion and communication.
55. Hillary's team admitting she lies a lot
- "Beyond this Hillary should stop attacking Bernie, especially when she says things that are untrue, which candidly she often does."
- As we found out in other leaks, Hillary is "often confused
56. Avoiding the press because of tough questions
- "Can we survive not answering questions from press at message events. Her dinkins speech and immigration message broke through because we didn't take questions. Her community banks message got lost because she answered questions about the foundation and emails."
- Pondering how to avoid the press because they always ask about the "foundation and emails" causing them to go off message. Long discussion about avoiding the press and whether to do it (they avoided press conferences
for almost a year).
57. Plotting to attack Obama because "his father was a Muslim"
- "Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)'s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world's most populous Islamic country."
- Yet people vehemently oppose the idea that Hillary's campaign came up with the birther movement
... And here she is, her campaign planning to attack him on his muslim father. Truly "progressive". This was back in January 2008.
58. Colluding over withholding Benghazi emails
- A lot of staffers here discussing Select Committee on Benghazi subpoenas issued for Hillary Clinton emails. At the very least this proves that a ton of campaign staff was actively aware and discussing the subpoenas as early as Mar 4, 2015 . This is before Combetta from Platte River Networks used BleachBit to wipe out tens of thousands of emails
59. Hillary plans to support the TPP
- "All, I want to share our draft letter on trade. As you'll recall, the idea here is to use this to lay out her thinking on TPA & TPP ahead of action on the Hill and a joint letter by all the former Secretaries of State and Defense. This draft assumes that she's ultimately going to support both TPA and TPP. It focuses on what needs to happen to produce a positive result with TPP, and casts support for TPA as one of those steps."
- She's on video dozens of times times saying she supports it
, calling it "The Gold Standard", then recently changed her tune when she found out it didn't poll well. As discovered earlier, she has a public position and then her real, private one.
- TPP would be disastrous for Americans
, just like NAFTA was (which Bill Clinton signed and Hillary approves of).
60. Clinton camp worried that Uranium One deal is being investigated (where Hillary sold 20% of America's uranium to Russia)
- "It's out there."
- This isn't a smoking gun leak (since the Grassley letter was posted publicly, which is why this isn't so high up on the list) but it shows their nervousness about it being investigated. Unfortunately, very few people seem to know about this.
- 'Uranium One'
explanation: Hillary approved the transfer of 20 percent of America's uranium holdings to the Russian state-owned firm 'Uranium One', while nine investors in the deal funneled $145 million to the Clinton Foundation. She literally sold off a rare and prime material used in nukes to a country we are at odds with for cold hard cash. A country she is trying so hard to pin on Trump. John Podesta also has ties to Russia
exposed through the WikiLeaks, owning 75,000 shares in a Putin backed energy company...
61. Entire "interview" with MSNBC's Chris Hayes is staged, reading word-for-word
- This particular exchange is literally titled "Tax hit on Chris Hayes"...implying doing a tax hit on Sanders on the Chris Hayes Show on MSNBC.
- You can literally see them truncating paragraphs into sentences, shortening them, so that they appear to be stream of consciousness thoughts rather than prepared statements.
- Here is the video evidence
of that interview.
name='62'> - â (ARCHIVE)
- "Early in Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, she and her staff were observed removing lamps and furniture from the State Department which were transported to her residence in Washington, DC,"
- After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return tens of thousands of dollars worth of White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen. The fact that she stole State Department furniture shouldn't shock anyone. Recurring Hillary Clinton behavior. name='63'>
- "...HRC has personally told Tim Kaine he's the veep."
- "Won't stop assuring Sens Brown and Heitkamp (at dinner now) that HRC has personally told Tim Kaine he's the veep."
- Kaine says he only knew 48 hours before the announcement.
- Solidifies all theories that he dropped out as the DNC chair so Debbie Wasserman-Schultz could replace him (and help ensure she rigged the primary for Hillary against Bernie as evidenced in earlier leaks) and open door for Kaine to be VP.
- This is despite her saying he would be a terrible choice for Obama's VP
in her book when she was talking about the last election. But she needed DWS in charge to ensure she was the nominee.
- "Raisers are effectively salespeople selling the candidate on the donor marketplace, so their feedback is valuable to HQ in terms of tweaking policy, messaging, tone, etc ... big donors usually have ideas/advice and want to feel like they are being heard."
- These leaks prove that Hillary will do anything for money, regardless of morals. Her staff even comments often about how worrisome it is. She takes money from countries who kills gays, enslave women, and persecute Christians and doesn't care about any of it. She changes her policies based on who gives her what. She sells U.S. assets to countries who donate... what a mess...
- "Substantively, we have not supported $15 â you will get a fair number of liberal economists who will say it will lose jobs."
- Even if they flip-flop and say they will implement it, they still admit that it is bad for the economy according to liberal economists. name='66'>
- "So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities whether we like it or not. They have sources about the meetings."
- They were scrambling to make sure they were within the law and really worried the donor list was about to come out. The New York Times spiked the story about the corruption to protect her, shielding the donors which shares with us from a later disclosure
- As you can see clearly there, the top contributor is none other than George Soros with $6 million in. Staff from the two groups met and coordinated efforts, which caused the concern from Hillary's side because the Priorities people were talking and the media, specifically the New York Times hid this violation of campaign election law.
- "Reed's lists are still too big, too undifferentiated too white and too male."
- Just because the people being referred to are white and male does not stop it from being racist. Just replace it with black and female and you can see why. Race and gender should not be the main determining factor when it comes to administrative positions, only experience and merit, but for Hillary's staff and democrats race and gender are the determining factors unfortunately.
- "Two exceptions--White House requests he can handle by email; if any other emergency request comes up, I can process. I'm holding a TS clearance. Scott, you may need to figure out what we need to do to add me to the review authority."
- Why does Podesta have a top secret clearance? He's not holding a government position...
- "Yes inbox finally opened up. I should never connect to Amtrack wifi. Seems to always screw things up."
- Holds TS clearance, conducts official campaign business on unsecure Amtrak WiFi... These are the people Hillary will trust to secure our secrets once in office. Good God...
- One prominent theme throughout the leaks is that Hillary is just a put together political head piece that is drafted, rewritten, and approved before being sent into public. They note where she should be outraged, they note where she should smile, she even sighed when they told her to sigh. All of the words coming out of her mouth go through weeks of tweaking so that she comes off as likable - and yet she still comes off as a cold.
- "They do not plan to release anything publicly, so no posting online or anything public-facing, just to the committee. That said, they are considering placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper), that would lay this out before the majority on the committee has a chance to realize what they have and distort it."
- And the AP is supposed to be THE NEUTRAL news source... wow...
- "I know this email thing isn't on the level. I'm fully aware of that. But her inability to just do a national interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse and regret is now, I fear, becoming a character problem (more so than honesty). People hate her arrogant, like her down. It's a sexist context, but I think it's the truth."
- Her closest confidants admitting what everyone already knows. She is not genuine. name='73'>
- "Thinking about the early 4, there is the Trump International Hotel in Vegas. Maybe there is an organizing opportunity next week. Would be good to reach out to unite here."
- Previous leaks months ago proved many of the "protests" were staged and hired people to be there with professional signs. The James O'Keefe bombshell video (first one
) proves that all these "protests" were staged and they paid mentally ill people to incite violence.
name='74'> -
- "Please see below for today's 8am meeting agenda. Also, please note that this meeting should last a full hour" Lists items to talk about "Timing of Focus Groups re Debate Prep" "8/31 Email Release" "Jake/Cheryl Testimony."
- Memo revealing they were discussing the testimony of Cheryl Mills in meetings It must have been highly important to keep all of their stories straight, properly vetted and discussed. name='75'>
- "This agreement condemns the next generation to cleaning up a nuclear war in the Persian Gulf... Yup."
- Top Hillary advisor agrees with that statement, indicating they know the Iran deal was terrible despite what they state publicly (another public vs private position). name='76'>
- "am not going to raise this publicly, but one of HRC's opponents will soon charge that she is running an "imperial campaign." If it is the right opponent, Democrat or Republican, the charge will resonate."
- "BTW, I may doing an Elizabeth Warren column soon. If I write that my optimum scenario would be for Elizabeth to ultimately give a big endorsement to HRC and give the keynote speech at the Convention, totally off the record, would that give you a problem? It would be my personal opinion only, but if you have a problem with my suggesting this as my idea, I won't tell anyone and I won't include it, deferring to you"
- Yes. This supposed journalist is discussing strategy with the chairman of the Hillary Clinton campaign. Giving him information and warnings about things he learned from other sources most likely off the record. Extreme collusion between the media and Hillary's staff. But wait, there is more! He is asking permission from Podesta to write parts of an article. John Podesta responds to the email, and grants permission for the journalist to write the story as originally planned. name='77'>
- "He also said he's worried about the pensions commitment and not having real projects to announce at CGI america. I said we are concerned too..."
- It was also mentioned that the employees are unhappy. name='78'>
- "I'm swinging way above my weight class here. And I'm 100% sure this out of protocol. I'm trying to land the campaign a big fat whale that can give between $100,000 to maybe $1 million if their ego can be reassured that they won't be just treated "just like any other donor. With your permission, can I CC you in an email to these guys. I'm work with Haim Saban's political director on these same guys. If it's 100% inappropriate I understand."
- Haim Saiban is the owner of Univision, who has been working with Hillary as revealed throughout the leaks. name='79'>
- "Yes, we need to move with some tactics to try to stop him. Ideas? We should take another swing at the immigration angle. I think this is a crisis. We need to ring the alarm bell. But I'm not sure how we could affect the GOP primary? Earned media play on McCain and immigration. Robocalls to suppress his vote? Turnout evangelicals for Huck?"
- What right do they have to interfere in another party's primaries? Not surprised though. name='80'>
(in attachments)
- "In May of 2015, CTR separated from its parent organization, American Bridge, and became its own SuperPAC. This structure allows CTR to retain its independence but coordinate directly and strategically with the Hillary campaign. This work is necessary now more than ever."
- Correct the Record (CTR) is a group funded by globalist billionaire George Soros to pretend Hillary has support online. They pay "an army of nerd virgins" (their own words
) to create memes and pretend to support Hillary. On popular internet sites like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook, they are paid to 'downvote' or 'dislike' or delete anything pro-Trump/anti-Hillary, and fake-promote anything pro-Hillary/anti-Trump. Incredibly sad, but Hillary and her "support" is staged in every department.
- The same attachment describes everything.
- "[He is] particularly interested in meeting people who could help him understand how to move the needle on the specific public policy issues he cares most about. He wants to meet folks who can inform his understanding about effective political operations to advance public policy goals"
- They are basically saying he wants to learn how to bribe people.
- Mark Zuckerberg has been very outspoken about Trump and his wall idea, when he himself is building a large wall
around his mansion. Guess protecting yourself is OK, but not the American people.
- Facebook also manipulates it's trending stories
to not show pro-Trump/anti-Hillary articles or trends, and even YouTube
. The censorship is well known and has reduced Facebook's integrity tenfold. Pro-Trump stories with hundreds of thousands of mentions are deleted to allow room for anti-Trump articles with less than a thousand mentions. Happens literally daily. Unfortunately this is the case across Twitter
, YouTube
, YouTube
, and Reddit
as well (and why it seems like at times more support Hillary despite (ARCHIVE) Trump getting 30,000 at his rallies
and (ARCHIVE) Hillary getting 200
). They are in the tank for Hillary.
â (in attachments)
- "IMPACTING THE DIALOGUE: CTR has identified 372 surrogates including influential and frequent pundits on broadcast and cable news for Presidential 2016 politics and provided them around 80 sets of talking points..."
- Once again, shows the media collusion with the Hillary campaign.
- "She said no to asking Chelsea. Would go herself before asking her daughter. So we are at plan B: Katy Perry it is."
- Huma Abedin writes that they have to send Katy Perry to do an Arkansas event because Hillary is unwilling to ask her daughter to go. Katy Perry is such a puppet for them that they can use her as a replacement for Chelsea when needed.
- "Less than 100 people - NO cell phones, NO press. Over 100 people YES cell phones, and ONE print pooler will be escorted in for her remarks only and then escorted out. NO tv cameras."
- "Stories on South Carolina... Including empty seats at event and closed office"
- (ARCHIVE) We know Hillary events have small crowds
. But now we know many of the Hillary Campaign events were so small that the following policy was proposed.
- That's right folks they are talking about CONFISCATING MOBILE DEVICES, so the embarrassingly small crowds OF UNDER 100 people could never be reported. Complete artificial manufactured reality.
- "It's been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise - and I am definitely dead to them -- but I'm glad to be on Team HRC"
- Earlier leaks revealed Clinton's staff had moles on Elizabeth Warren's team. Seems they had one in Biden's camp as well. Someone who helped to destroy Biden in return for a position. Ron Klain.
- (ARCHIVE) DNC Email 1237
- (ARCHIVE) DNC Email 1306
- (ARCHIVE) slimg VpBmAq
- "we've made contact with John Olivier"
- "and his team is working on it."
- Mr. John "I hate corruption" Oliver doing business with the most corrupt "charity" on the face of the planet? Shocker...
- John Oliver works for HBO, HBO is owned by Time Warner, Time Warner donates to Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton owns John Oliver.
- "Not sure it will help, but I called Chuck Todd (as head of political unit) to let him know how outrageous and ludicrous this was and that our side of the house is watching to see how NBC handles this."
- Notice how throughout so many of these emails, the Clinton campaign sounds so insufferably whiny.
- "sorry to bother... Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u. Please don't share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything"
- He sends a huge part of the article to John Podesta. Absolutely disgraceful. Podesta approves the section of course which showed him in a very positive light to begin with.
- Don't worry Glenn Thrush of the Politico. I'm sure Podesta won't tell anyone you did this.
- "We have gotten intel that Neil Cavuto plans to ask a veterans question of the GOP candidates tonight. As you can guess, the candidates are very likely to attack the Secretary in their answers. Your press team, therefore, may find it useful to get this to reporters"
- "Flagging that Bob B. heard that they could ask about carbon tax and late-term abortion restrictions. Solow and I are pulling debate book materials & running abortion answer by Jen & Rachel ahead of 3pm."
- Clinton campaign is getting questions in advance AGAIN for debates. Previously they got a debate question from Donna Brazile. This time it is John Podesta that gets the email from Jon Soltz who somehow learned of a question Cavuto will ask in an upcoming Republican debate. Podesta immediately blasts this out to the whole campaign so they prepare for the fallout.
- "You know, I would like to see more successful business people run for office. I really would like to see that because I do think, you know, you don't have to have $30 billion, but you have a certain level of freedom. And there's that memorable phrase from a former member of the Senate: âYou can be maybe rented but never bought.' And I think it's important to have people with those experiences."
- Admitting Trump can't be bought. He has proven that over and over again, while Hillary (as discovered in these leaks) is nothing more than a greedy horsefly mindlessly heading towards the money zapper.
- Unclear if it is Hillary who will be scripted or if the MSM will be scripted. I'm thinking both, as has been proven in the leaks above many times.
(the tweet)
- It took 8 hours for over 10 of Hillary Clinton's staffers to respond to a single tweet by Marco Rubio, which highlights the campaign's struggle to cover up Hillary's lack of accomplishments. The email shows the fake persona.
- In the 3rd link, John Podesta receives Hillary's tweets for approval a few days in advance of the tweets going online. Together with previous leaks, it looks like Hillary doesn't have much input into any of "her" tweets. They are put together by a group of staffers.
- Probably because she can't deliver the lines without sounding completely insincere.
- "I believe we started out the campaign about 20 points behind Sanders in Iowa on the question of who would best stand up to Wall Street and that was when we were about 40 points ahead. If you want to make the question of the campaign, who will best stand up to Wall Street, Sanders is the answer and he'll give you $35 million reasons why."
- Not even her own campaign staff believes she is credible on Wall Street. Even though she told Wall St. to cut it out
- "she has huge endemic political weaknesses that she would be wise to rectify... even a clown like Ted Cruz would be an even money bet to beat and this scares the hell of out me... "
!?????" Side-note, imagine listening to that for 4 years.../shudders.
- "I am committed to make sure she is elected as the next President of United States. I am reaching out to my friends to raise money for her campaign. Please let me know if I can be of any service to you."
- "No doubt the entirety of Huffington Post is in it for Hillary when they display their "disclaimer" ("Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobe Hitler" or something along these lines) under every "article."
- The author of this email once an "article" on Huffington Post that Trump was "a sorcerer and a wizard". Yes... Huffington Post published this. That's why no one takes The Huffington Post seriously, certainly not as a legitimate news source.
- "Feel free to circulate these. We've been circulating this on background as an aide, and the additional points below on deep background."
- This email shows all the talking points her team needs to learn as they will be questioned on her crimes soon. The notes in (ARCHIVE) here are filled with complete lies however
- "The print stories on Cuba will largely be pre-written in the morning based on excerpts that we are providing tonight (Dan has gotten HRC signoff on them already for this purpose). The reporters will do some tiddying up of the stories as the speech is delivered/completed, but they will largely be filed as she goes on."
- Blatant. Media. Collusion.
- "Today in America we have economically disappeared, they don't score in jobs numbers or jobless claims numbers, they are a lost generation within the larger generation, Obama never talks about them because he wants to claim credit for the economy."
- Admitting that the economic numbers they feed the public don't reflect reality.
- Economic opportunity is always the #1 issue; Carville was right about this. Instead of addressing it head on, HRC and team prefer to bury it deeper with tabloid smears.
- "Barack - Following up on your conversations with John over the weekend, attached are two documents: A list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, divided between Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant Sectetary levels, as well as lists of senior Native Americans, Arab/Muslim Americans and Disabled Americans. We have longer lists, but these are candidates whose names have been recommended by a number of sources for senior level jobs in a potential Administration."
- Froman was a Citigroup Managing director until 2009. He's now championing the TPP as US trade rep.